Yogi Berra once said, "You've got to be very careful if you don't know where you are going, because you might not get there."
Be sure your goals are SMART:
"I am going to get in shape this year" is too vague. Instead, say "I am going to exercise for 30 minutes twice a week for the next 4 weeks." You should consider being even more specific and schedule the days you will exercise on your calendar. Notice how this statement is measureable in couple of ways (minutes of exercise & days per week) it also has a time frame of 4 weeks so when you have successfully exercised through out the month of January you can reward yourself. Then you can set a new goal (maybe 3 days/week) for the month of February!
Most people who make "getting fit" a New Years Resolution are concerned about their body image and want to see changes. Avoid setting a goal to lose a specific amount of weight in a specific amount of time as your one and only goal. Instead, assess your starting point...click here for details.
Steer clear of false expectations. Do not expect to lose more than one pound per week. You did not get out-of-shape overnight and it may take some time to see the results. Weigh yourself only once each week. For most re-assessments wait at least one month.
It's important to dangle a carrot out there for motivation. Setting a time frame will help you know WHEN it is time to reward yourself. Think of something you've been wanting to do. When you reach your 4 week, 8 week or 12 week goal do something nice for you!
Our advice to those just getting started: Make your resolution to stick with it through March 31, 2010. Once you get past that three month milestone, experience the benefits of regular exercise and see some results you will look good & feel great!
Do you need help setting or reaching your goals?
Email us at info@xofitness.com
Yours in Health & Fitness,
Ryan & Karin
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