Thursday, November 1, 2007

Trick or Treating at xo fitness

Lucky us!! Snow White and Tony Stewart made a guest appearance at xo fitness!

We were pleasantly surprised at the number of kids who were excited about the apples. They do look yummy....make sure you have three pieces of fruit TODAY!

Eating Better this Holiday Season

The Holidays seem to be all about food… with all the family get-togethers and office parties it’s easy to over-indulge. Instead of forbidding all the goodies, focus on sticking to your nutrition goals and then, if you still have room for your holiday treat, go for it!

Here are some ideas to help you avoid overdoing it:

1. Fill your plate with fruits and vegetables. These will hopefully fill you up so you don’t head back for a piece of pie. Besides, the fruit might just satisfy your sweet tooth.
2. Engage in lots of conversation. It is hard to talk with your mouth full.
3. Use a small plate. No matter how hard you try you will not be able to load a tiny dessert plate with as many calories as a full-sized dinner plate.
4. Drink water. Try to drink two glasses of water for every one alcoholic beverage and you will have a lot less headaches. Also, water will help you feel fuller.
5. Limit alcohol intake. First of all, alcohol will lower your inhibitions and may make it easier for you to make poor food choices. Secondly, alcohol activates an enzyme in your body that uptakes fat from your blood stream and stores it in your fat cells more easily. Sounds nasty, doesn’t it?

Remember, moderation is the key. Following the 80/20 rule will definitely help you: Eat well 80% of the time and allow yourself a treat now and then. Remember to eat it slowly and really enjoy it!

Fitting in Fitness this Holiday Season

What’s your Holiday Strategy?
We love the holidays and look forward to relaxing with our families. Most of us over-indulge at Thanksgiving or Christmas and let’s face it: We LOVE the FOOD!!! It’s OK not to be perfect every day of the year, so here’s our strategy to keep you fit during this wonderful time of year.

For those who haven’t been exercising:
Start Now! Do a little extra activity today and every day leading up to the holidays and you’ll be rewarded with lower stress, better fitness and a vibrant smile. I’m serious! You can’t help but smile when you’ve reduced your stress and you know you’re more fit than you were before. Fitness is a truly wonderful thing.

Here are some ways to add that extra activity:
· Schedule it! We’re all very busy this time of year. If you schedule your exercise like you would a doctor or dentist appointment you are less likely to skip it.
· Keep track! Invest in a pedometer and see how far your feet take you in a day. Then try to increase the number of steps you take.
· Park at the far end of the mall. You thought we’d say the far end of the parking lot, right? Well, if it is cold and nasty walking inside the mall will seem much more appealing than crossing the parking lot.
· Take a walk at lunchtime. Even better, get a co-worker to go along so you’ve got some to hold you accountable.
· Take your dog or your kids for a walk. They will love it and ask to go again and again.

Just get started and keep going!

For those of you who exercise regularly:
· KEEP IT UP! Now is no time to let it slide. It’s easy to come up with lots of excuses and before you know it, two months have slipped away.
· Do something different. Pick up your pace walking or running up that little hill on your route and get winded once in a while. Research is clear that an occasional challenge is better than repeating the same thing over and over.
· Record it on the calendar. Keeping track of what you’ve done will help you stay on track. Don’t try to be perfect. You may not be able to do something EVERY day, but even three times each week is a great.

That’s our holiday strategy…Get moving & keep moving!
You will have MORE ENERGY and feel LESS STRESSED when you make the commitment to FIT-IN FITNESS.

The older you get the more important it is to exercise regularly.

Here’s why:

Maintain muscle mass to maintain metabolism
Increase bone density
Improve posture
Reduce risk of diabetes
Reduce blood pressure
Improve cholesterol levels
Reduced low-back pain
Decreased risk of falling

“It is magnificent to grow old, if one keeps young…” –Harry E. Fosdick

By working out with a trainer in a safe environment you can strengthen the muscles you need to move through your life with confidence and live your life to the fullest!

Karin Jennings has been certified as a Silversneakers Instructor and as a YMCA of the USA Older Adult Instructor. She has led a wide range of older adult exercise classes over the past 11 years including Balance Conditioning, Low-Impact Aerobics, Water Exercise, and Chair Exercise. She has also worked one-on-one with individuals to teach them exercises they can do at home to improve their balance and strength. You can contact Karin at or call 339-0630.