Thursday, November 1, 2007

The older you get the more important it is to exercise regularly.

Here’s why:

Maintain muscle mass to maintain metabolism
Increase bone density
Improve posture
Reduce risk of diabetes
Reduce blood pressure
Improve cholesterol levels
Reduced low-back pain
Decreased risk of falling

“It is magnificent to grow old, if one keeps young…” –Harry E. Fosdick

By working out with a trainer in a safe environment you can strengthen the muscles you need to move through your life with confidence and live your life to the fullest!

Karin Jennings has been certified as a Silversneakers Instructor and as a YMCA of the USA Older Adult Instructor. She has led a wide range of older adult exercise classes over the past 11 years including Balance Conditioning, Low-Impact Aerobics, Water Exercise, and Chair Exercise. She has also worked one-on-one with individuals to teach them exercises they can do at home to improve their balance and strength. You can contact Karin at or call 339-0630.

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