Sunday, December 30, 2007

Resolve to finish the Valentines Day 5K, it's SMART

S= Specific: It's a 5K! It's a great distance if you are a beginner or haven't run in a while.
M=Measureable: You CAN finish 3.1 miles even if you have to walk parts of it.
A=Attainable: You CAN do it. You have time to get ready for this event, just get started!
R=Reward-based: You will get a t-shirt, bragging rights AND the run ends at Seroogy's, need I say more?
T=Time-framed: you need to be ready on February 9th the race director will not post-pone the run so you have more time to train!

Here is a link to the Valentine's day run/walk in De Pere, WI.

is a link to an easy-to-follow DIY 5K training plan. If you don't think you can stick to it on your own give us a call and we will help you get ready for this event.

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